An image of a human brain with a green and glittering overlay.

Hello hello hello welcome to my website! If you recognize me in any fashion, I previously used the site "digitalcat" that I've since abandoned. My first site was very messy, both from it being my first attempt at coding and that, to be honest, I really rushed most aspects of it. I wanted to fix it up initially, but I decided a fresh start would be better (so much janky code to sort through there...) ANYHOW. I hope this place will be bigger and better than my previous site! Feel free to stick around!

check these fuckers out...

  • >>(08/03/2025) AAH I ADDED A SECTION FOR SITE UPDATES AAH AAH! okay. I've probably put all too much in to make this first one anything digestable and the coming days will likely be the same. already i'm much happier with this site in comparison to my last one. :D. Gonna take putting it all together much slower this time so I won't burn myself out and leave myself with too much poorly done coding to fix and sections i want to improve but simultaineously want to preserve parts of and not knowing how to go about it. lol

  • >>(09/03/2025) Coolest thing I did today was add a lil bit of javascript that randomizes a little playlist of tunes. Give the site a lil refresh to hear. hell fuckin yeah